
Latech needed help to refocus on growth and to boost its international reach. Go from nearshore provider to tech partner of choice.


Latech was founded by passionate developers. A group of passionated computer engineers working to make good code for good projects and good teams.

With offices in France and Tunisia, they had already served several companies across Europe but struggled with the negative perception of their nearshore position.

In a bold move to clarify their ambitions, the Tunisian founder reached out to us. The ultimate goal was to refocus the company on growth, set up a sales engine, and expand their international reach.

The mission

When the CEO contacted us, he had recognised that while they were great computer engineers, they lacked the skills to tell their story, attract local talents, and sell to cold clients.

It was a make-or-break moment for them, and they desperately needed strategic focus. So, we implemented an intense 4-week plan to reach clarity.

Redesigning their visual identity was key, but positioning their nearshore offer —with all the bad rep attached to nearshore— as a trusted tech partner was the cornerstone of our mission: to prove out-of-EU providers can be great and competent business allies, even on leading technologies.

Our approach

From remote interview with clients, to sending a team abroad for a deep-dive immersion, to radical conversations with the founder, We worked closely with their core team to sort through their business ambitions.

We spent intense 1-on-1 work sessions translating the founder's point of view into strategic foundations. We distilled his drive into a clear, actionable vision, "delivering digital products people love."

This strategic platform would support all business and brand goals. We shared it with the team, who enthusiastically rallied around it. For the group of engineers, it was concrete enough to resonate with both their motivation and promise: to work with clients to build their dream digital product, while keeping a focus on the end-users' experience.

« The Nemesis team has a unique mix of emotional and professional intelligence that helps them truly understand your business and its context. They go the extra mile to learn the core aspects of your company and reflect its value to the outside world in the best way possible. Their approach is insightful and thorough, making sure that the branding they create is not only attractive but also truly represents your business's core values. It was a real pleasure to work with them, both on a personal and professional level. I think real branding work should be done like NEMESIS does it. »

Skander Guarbàa

CEO, Latech

With newfound clarity on their uniqueness and confidence in their ability to build trust, Latech's team dove into sales. We provided sales training and created a content production planning and editorial structure that would make them relevant thought leaders to future talents and prospects.

Finally, we redesigned their entire identity to reflect their passion for all things digital. We developed a visual concept around digital landscapes that would differentiate them in the market and set them apart.

This allowed them to attract clients and talent. Both teams, in France and Tunisia, are now united under a refreshed brand and visual identity that, in their words, "prepares them for any challenge."

Digital landscapes

To illustrate Latech's ability to blend the latest technologies with intuition, we designed the identity around a hybrid concept: digital landscapes. On one hand it puts the brand alongside other digital tools and services, while still being unique enough to stand on its own. On the other hand it gave us a device to create —with the negative space they shaped— the structure for layouts and a way to highlight key elements and guide users to information. 

All in all, the gradients could have ended in a very digital resolution, if not for the warm of the people we met in Tunisia. It brought a resolutely high-touch feel to the identity that illustrated something very real.


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